Nailing it: Tips For Healthy Nails

Did you know that our nails contain an average of 18% water?
Although a healthy nail plate relies on a combination of essential nutrients and an adequate balance of oil and moisture, taking into consideration our nails water content can prove to be particularly beneficial when it comes to maintaining strong, healthy nails.

A great tip is to always ensure that your nails water percentage is maintained to a healthy balance. Why? Simple...

If a nail's water content is drastically increased, for example, after soaking, it becomes extremely soft and less susceptible to protection. However, if this amount is considerably reduced, dehydration strikes, forcing nails to become brittle and the risk of unwanted snapping and splitting is increased dramatically.    

Never underestimate the importance of protecting your skin and nails, as just like the rest of our body, our hands and feet are equally as susceptible to the damaging effects of both internal and, external factors. Regular professional treatments may aid in the successful prevention of unsightly skin and nail problems, but simple homecare procedures will ensure the maintenance of strong, healthy nails just as well.  


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