Make-up Bag Detox: The Essential Tool Everyone Should Own

With an array of products specifically formulated to disguise and minimize our beauty imperfections, the process of achieving complexion perfection can often be accompanied by an unwanted case of make-up overload. 
If your guilty of indulging in a bunch of unnecessary products destined to remain firmly at the bottom of your make-up bag, something as simple as streamlining your cosmetics to include only the bare essentials can see you replacing out of date and potentially useless products with good, high quality alternatives guaranteed to produce the best possible results.    

One essential grooming tool that should take pride of place in every beauty addicts make-up bag is brow gel.
Not only does this simple product create beautifully groomed brows, but the lightweight formula tames stubborn, unruly hairs ensuring that they remain slick and defined all day long. 

A great tip is to apply a light coating of gel once you have achieved your desired shape. W7 Style Eyes Brow and Lash Shaping Gel is a clear mascara that instantly tames out of control hairs without disturbing any previously applied brow pencil or powder, and is by far my multitasking go to product for brow perfection.

W7 Style Eyes Brow and Lash Shaping Gel can be purchased via for £1.99.


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