Beautys Best Kept Secret

Beautys best kept secret and an essential product for any serious beauty addict.
Not only does drinking water give you a healthy glowing complexion it also has numerous other health benefits. Here are 10 reasons why water should be included in your every day beauty regime.
Top 10 reasons to drink more water

Water is essential, so much so that without it you will die. Humans need water to survive. Plain and simple.
Our body is made up of over 70% water making it the single most important nutrient other than oxygen. We lose water through sweat, urine, feces and even breathing, all of which need to be replaced in order for our organs to continue to function properly. However, although drinking a healthy amount of water is vital for your health it also provides numerous other benefits.
Top 10 Reasons To Drink More Water
 1. Prevents Dehydration
Dehydration is defined as the excessive loss of body water. By the time you experience the sensation of thirst you are already dehydrated. Water re-hydrates the body, without the correct intake, the performance of the majority of the human body is affected and nearly all systems are unable to function effectively.
 2. Brain Energy
The brain is one of the most important organs in your body to keep fueled  Consisting of over 80% water, effective brain function depends on having ample amount of access to water. A brain functioning on a full reserve of water allows you to think faster and focus while benefiting your thought and memory process.
 3. Weight Loss
It’s a popular dieting secret, drink more water and you’ll shed more pounds however, research has shown that upping your water consumption doesn’t actually cause weight loss. What it does do is reduce your appetite while keeping you feeling fuller for longer. It’s a well-known fact that thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Drinking water each time you get a food craving has been proven to help considerably in subsiding the urge to snack. Not only is water a great appetite suppressant, it contains no fat, calories, carbohydrates or sugar. The perfect attribute to any dieter’s weight loss regime!
 4. Builds Muscle
Muscle tissue consists of 75% water and therefore it should come as no surprise that your body relies on being kept hydrated in order to build muscle. Fail to provide it with adequate water and chances are you’re not going to have a productive weight session. Why? Because dehydration kicks in resulting in your muscles being deprived of electrolytes. Consequently muscle strength and control is weakened. Adequate fluid is essential for optimum muscle gain.
5. Less Joint Pain
Maintaining proper hydration can do far more for your body than just the basic health benefits. Fluid intake helps to promote circulation while reducing the toxicity that leads to joint inflammation, relieving joint pain. Water is an ingredient in the makeup of the synovial fluid, the lubricating fluid between your joints. Conditions such as arthritis and back pain are both signals of water shortage. As water acts as the main lubricant in joints, although not a commercial treatment, increasing water intake is a very effective method of pain relief.
 6. Metabolism Booster
Increasing your metabolic rate helps create the calorie deficit required for the loss of body fat. Research shows that the body requires 3g of fluid to break down every gram of carbohydrate consumed in order to increase metabolism. As the energy burning process of metabolism relies on water to work effectively, cutting water intake can actually slow your metabolism in the form of dehydration. A good way of maintaining this process whilst increasing the rate in which our body burns calories is to drink ice-cold water as our body needs to work harder to heat it up.
 7. Exercise Performance
Your body can lose several litres of sweat in a one hour period of intense exercise. Even in the absence of any visible perspiration approximately half of water loss occurs through the operation of our lungs and skin, as a result this makes water the most important nutrient for athletes. Water and fluids are essential for keeping the body hydrated and at the correct temperature whilst preventing exercise induced dehydration. Consuming water before, after and during any form of physical activity will prevent fatigue and poor performance whilst aiding concentration.
 8. A Healthy Complexion
Studies may have shown that increasing your daily water intake is nothing but a myth when it comes to glowing skin however, although it may not flush acne causing toxins from your body sufficient water consumption does keep your system flushed and moisturized from the inside. Your skin is an organ and just like any other organ in the human body relies on water to function effectively and prevent dehydration. Claims have been made that hydration is the key to a radiant, healthy younger-looking complexion, when the body lacks this our skin becomes dry, tight and flaky with less resilience resulting in skin becoming more prone to wrinkles.
9. Flushes Toxins
Water is the ultimate natural detox tool. Whether it is by drinking it, sweating or bathing in it, nothing supports the body’s cleansing and elimination process quite like water. Toxins are a normal part of your body’s intake of food and oxygen however, when our body is bombarded with unfamiliar toxins, are producing too many or, we are not eliminating them correctly, the toxins build up and can cause numerous health problems. Water acts by flushing toxins and waste from the body while transporting nutrients where they are required. It is a natural lubricant that softens stools and promotes evacuation of the bowels while our kidney system is completely dependent upon water in order to function. Without fully functioning kidneys the removal of waste products from the blood and the elimination of toxic substances in the urine both stop, while our kidney system fails to receive water-soluble toxins from the liver for processing. Maintaining the body’s water balance by daily water intake is essential for our body to function efficiently.
 10. A Natural Headache Remedy
One of the main causes of headache and migraine is dehydration and research suggests drinking water regularly can reduce the severity of both drastically. Dehydration causes blood vessels to constrict in an effort to conserve body fluids while potentially going into spasm resulting in a reduced flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Your body should be kept hydrated and your water balance undisrupted at all times in the prevention of this.
It is important to realize that water is a vital part of our lives. Even the slightest decrease in water intake can affect our body’s mental and physical performance considerably. The human body is an incredibly complex machine designed primarily to function on water and minerals. Every building, sustaining and healing process that our body undertakes happens with water and a fully hydrated body. Without this life can literally cease to exist. Never underestimate the importance of something so simple. Without water your body will quite literally stop working.


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