The common cause of overweight and obesity...

Food for thought: medical complications are rarely the root cause of overweight and obesity.

Defined by the World Health Organisation as an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health, overweight and obesity are complex conditions that often originate from multiple interconnecting factors that may, or may not, include environmental, physical, psychological, physiological and genetic influencers. However, although hormonal complications such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and rare genetic disorders such as Prader-Willi syndrome - a condition that commonly causes symptoms such as hyperphagia (overeating), hypotonia (low muscle tone) and short stature - can increase the incidence of overweight and obesity, additional body fat often accumulates as a result of an energy imbalance i.e. a combination of environmental, physical and psychological factors, where the energy ingested, exceeds the energy expended.

For example, if an individual consumes more calories via food and fluid - be it from carbohydrates, fat, protein and/or alcohol - than they're expending via exercise, activity and the maintenance of basic bodily functions, the excess energy will be stored as adipose tissue (body fat). If extra energy continues to be over consumed and glycogen stores (energy reserves) become saturated, the body will eventually be forced to accumulate an abnormal amount of additional weight leaving the individual with an increased risk of overweight, obesity and obesity related diseases.

Final thought: although it may be 'easier' to blame medical complications and/or a slow metabolism for supersizing our silhouette, our predisposition to piling on the pounds often originates from poor lifestyle choices i.e. inactivity and an increased intake of excess energy. Until we're willing (and ready!) to accept that our unhealthy habits are the true hazard to our health, external blame, exaggerated excuses and detrimental denial will continue to prevent us from pursuing positive change.


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