Skincare: How To Prevent Blocked Pores & Split Capillaries On The Nose
From blocked pores and comedones, to spots and split capillaries, the nose proves to be a problematic facial feature for all skin types, yet despite its susceptibility to unsightly skin concerns, this particular area also has a tendency to be one of the most neglected.
Renowned for its greasy nature, the nose is supplied with an abundance of larger than average sebaceous glands situated closer to the skin's surface. Due to its extreme prominence, it also suffers excessive exposure to harsh environmental factors which can prove to be particularly damaging for the capillaries located in this area, but with the guaranteed incidence of congestion due to the sebaceous glands, and the negative impact inflicted by the environment, are we really fighting a losing battle when it comes to banishing those pesky nose problems for good? Not necessarily...
In order to minimize the incidence of congested pores and split capillaries, it is vital to ensure that a thorough cleansing process is combined with adequate protection. Simply paying additional attention to the creases either side of the nostrils during cleansing will ensure that the accumulation of grease, sweat and excess cosmetics is prevented, while the application of adequate protection against sunlight and drying, harsh winds will ensure that your nose remains less susceptible to environmental damage.
Combining these basic tips on a daily basis will not only minimize congestion and secondary infection, but avoid the occurrence of a permanently red nose created by the dilation and rupture of the capillaries as a result of harsh weather conditions.
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